Our Mission: To positively affect the lives of our youth

Growing happy healthy adults

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28% of teens suffer from anxiety or depression

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Teens: 78% have tried alcohol, 40% illicit drugs

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1 in 4 students are
bullied in school

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What We Do

How2Life provides school districts, state organizations, and private social services organizations with educational content, resources, and technologies focused on the prevention of bullying, substance use/abuse/addiction, and self-harm, while promoting emotional well-being, life skills, positive character traits, and healthy life choices.

We focus on prevention and education. We believe that prevention is the best cure. We address these issues hopefully before they become problems. We promote healthy choices and positive character traits in order to help make these life choices easier and safer.


Those of us involved in How2Life have been touched or seen these issues damage young people in our lives. Some of us have lost friends and family members to these issues. Some of us have experienced the pain first hand. No matter our backgrounds, origins, or experiences, we all believe the same thing: our families are at risk and we are driven to help.

We are willing to put our time, money, and resources towards this effort of educating and helping our young people. We are seeking to build a Coalition of the Concerned and if this cause speaks to you, then we would ask you to join us.


We work with school districts to implement technologies and content that is relevant to their school district. There is a select set of technologies that we know will work in most any district. The content has been proven effective with the target audiences. In order to assist with the adoption of these technologies, we work with local sponsors who can provide awards and incentives (food, entertainment, etc.) that are attractive to the students. We make these awards available on a points-based system, allowing students to earn points for consuming the content. There is also parallel content available for the parents and educators.

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